Forums / Setup & design / Migration: Timing issues on 2 installations sharing same DB

Migration: Timing issues on 2 installations sharing same DB

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Massimiliano Bariola

Monday 13 February 2006 6:50:41 am

I am migrating an eZ installation from one server (A)to a dedicated server (B), while leaving the db on server A.

Sita language is Italian.

old copy 's siteaccesses are accessible at , pointing to server A, while new copy on server B is accessed through and and are entries in both my own machine's host file and on server B's hosts file.

Editors are introducing content using (server A); so all of this was needed to allow them to continue filling up the content structure while DNS are pointed to the new server B.

I copied the full ezpublish dir from server A to B, gave full permissions to the var dir, set imagemagick as needed and set site.ini.append to work as needed.

All other settings in ini files are identical. Specifically, caches are disabled for public siteaccesses and enabled for admin ones.

I clear the caches on both servers.

Then I load a page from server A. 30 seconds time.
I reload it on server A. 1.5 seconds. From now on, all pages on server A take around 1.5-3 seconds.

I load a page on server B. 25 seconds. Relaoding it stays in the region of 25-32 seconds. timing is as follows :

Checkpoint	Elapsed	Rel. Elapsed	Memory	Rel. Memory
Module start 'content'	0.0000 sec	0.1206 sec	4,713.5391KB	2,774.8281KB
Module end 'content'	0.1206 sec	0.1128 sec	7,488.3672KB	873.9375KB
End	0.2334 sec	 	8,362.3047KB	0.8535KB
Total runtime:	0.3562 sec	
Time accumulators:
 Accumulator	 Elapsed	 Percent	 Count	 Average
Load cache	0.0214 sec	0.0668%	11	0.0019 sec
Mysql Total				
Mysql_queries	0.0265 sec	0.0827%	18	0.0015 sec
Looping result	0.0010 sec	0.0033%	15	0.0001 sec
TS translator				
TS init	0.0069 sec	0.0215%	5	0.0014 sec
TS cache load	0.0044 sec	0.0137%	5	0.0009 sec
TS context load	0.0030 sec	0.0094%	5	0.0006 sec
Template Total	0.3258 sec	1.0%	3	0.1086 sec
Template load	0.0616 sec	0.1920%	3	0.0205 sec
String conversion in template resource	0.0018 sec	0.0056%	10	0.0002 sec
Template parser: create text elements	0.0204 sec	0.0637%	10	0.0020 sec
Template parser: remove whitespace	0.0041 sec	0.0127%	10	0.0004 sec
Template parser: construct tree	0.1049 sec	0.3270%	10	0.0105 sec
Template load and register function	0.0027 sec	0.0084%	9	0.0003 sec
Template processing	0.2636 sec	0.8214%	3	0.0879 sec
Cache load	0.0154 sec	0.0479%	10	0.0015 sec
Matching rules	0.0010 sec	0.0031%	3	0.0003 sec
Sytem overhead				
Fetch class attribute name	0.0019 sec	0.0059%	1	0.0019 sec
Instantiating content class attribute	0.0017 sec	0.0052%	1	0.0017 sec
String conversion	0.0007 sec	0.0020%	10	0.0001 sec
String conversion w/ mbstring	0.0001 sec	0.0004%	1	0.0001 sec
Total script time:	32.0910 sec	

The total amount seems not to amount to those 32 seconds. the debug area shows nothing wrong going on.

Anyone can point me in the right direction?

thank you