Forums / Setup & design / Matrix datatype problem !

Matrix datatype problem !

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Selmah Maxim

Sunday 27 July 2003 7:19:03 am

After I had created new node with my class I had forgot to add attribute to class, matrix type, after I added in the node edit I see just col_0 col_1 in the matrix type place !

what the solution for this ?

Selmah Maxim

Sunday 27 July 2003 7:55:15 am

I think i now why!

when you update the matrix in class the update will not show on in the node edit !

Selmah Maxim

Monday 28 July 2003 12:55:33 am

what ? just me who have this bug or what .. or no one using matrix datatype ?!

now found also when i add new column will not be show on when edit object !

Another thing ... for user site I have created overrided template for matrix, but this template also is show in admin site, but I didn`t write anything to admin site override settings , and when i remove the template form my design it loading the stander design template for matrix !!

any explanation will great !

Selmah Maxim

Monday 28 July 2003 12:59:27 am

For the template viewing I found this setting in site.ini effect just the matrix template 'AdditionalSiteDesignList' , so when the value is mydesign the matrix template is loaded from mydesign !

Selmah Maxim

Monday 28 July 2003 5:24:33 am

I had test this on 3 copy of ezp and the same result, not sute if this bug or not so can u pls test also ?!