Forums / Setup & design / Mailing List

Mailing List

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John Mina

Saturday 08 May 2004 11:49:12 pm

Hi all
I want to setup a mailing list so anonymous can add their emails directly
the hard part for me is hwo to create a tpl template page that will be used to send mail messages to every one i nthe list i wonder
Do any one have any idea ?
I've also posted this to developers but no one answered sicne last week

Waiting your reply , it wil be highly appriciated
BEst regards

Alessandro Cipriani

Sunday 09 May 2004 11:49:22 pm

hi john
i'm needing to some doc about it
i already posted a thread ( but i've never been able to make it work
maybe you'll will!


Vivek Chopra

Monday 10 May 2004 9:37:56 am

Hi John,

Were you able to create the mailing list functionality where anonymous users can add thier emails (signup).
If so, would you be kind enough to guide me on how you did that? I already use the default user class to register people for accessing certain parts of my website.



John Mina

Thursday 13 May 2004 12:00:17 am

That is really too bad

No one have a clue about it
i am sorry folks , i haven't had any idea yet
do any one of u know which , or who to cal lthe email sending mechanism in the ezpublish and send her the paramters in which way ?
i guess if i knew this iwill be able to create this mailing list
