Tuesday 24 October 2006 10:27:36 am
After having signed up as guest user (lets say user A) and leaving the system (and closing the browser) it is impossible to log in again as user A, although the admin shows the user properly. But: when signing in as user B, logging of as user B - then it is possible to log in also as user A - as long as I do not close the browser (and therefore the session).
Thus, the system seems to have two different states:
State 1: after a "fresh" sign up it accepts to log in as a previously registered user. State 2: when entering the system wothout this fresh sign up, it is impossible to log in. Internally the login process seems to work properly. I have instrumented the file kernel/user/login.php with debug statements and they show thatthe correct user ID belonging to the user name is found (e.g. 401). The login.php procedure terminates properly with the return $Module->redirectTo( $redirectionURI );
statement. But on the pagelayout.tpl, which comes up subsequently (and which I instrumented with a {$current_user.contentobject_id}
statement , the (anonymous) user is shown instead. Furthermore the login process works properly (no complaints about a wrong password or similar.
Wher is the ghost, who removes the correct user ID between the end of login.php and the display of the pagelayout.tpl show?
I have temporarily removed all "cache-block" entries from the pagelayout.tpl. Can there be a "cache-trap" somewhere else? I have installed the "personal folder" contribution (with a fix of the section problem there). Perhaps this has an influence - but - seriously speaking - I dont see it. Thanks for Help! Erwin Hölzler, Metacontent Munich