Forums / Setup & design / Logging into admin returns an empty page

Logging into admin returns an empty page

Author Message

Felix Laate

Monday 14 August 2006 6:11:47 am

Hi all!

Long time..

I have serious problems with a site. After updateing an pagelayout template, logging into the admin returns simply an empty white page (i.e. no nothing, zippo).

I tried to emty the cache (ALL of it), and to check/repair the database. But still I get the same result.

The site uses 3.6.x

Any help is helpful!


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Felix Laate

Tuesday 15 August 2006 5:49:04 am

Hi again!

I still can't get it working.

This is what I did prior to the problems:

1) I uploaded a new pagelayout template (replaceing the existing)

2) I emptied the cache using the the "all" option in the developer toolbar on the right-hand side of the admin interface

The result:

1) I get the loginpage

2) If I use a false loginname and/or password I get the normal message that something went wrong etc.

3) If I log in correctly, I get the empty white page. If I go to a full view of any node, say "/content/view/full/2" I get the white page

4) The ez error.log shows nothing, the apache error.log shows nothing and mysql.conf says nothing

I would really appreciate any help!


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Kristof Coomans

Tuesday 15 August 2006 1:44:46 pm

Hello Felix

Did you try to replace/remove some parts of your new pagelayout which are resource intensive (tree menu etc.)? Did you ran the command line template compiler?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Felix Laate

Tuesday 15 August 2006 2:09:27 pm

Hi Kristof!

Thanks for answering!

No, I simply added some google.tpl-ish code to the pagelayout of the public site, NOT the admin site. And I have replaced the new tamplate with the old one, o things should be the same as before the problems started.

No, I did not ran the compiler manually. Actually I didn't know it was possible. How is it done? with a script I presume.


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Felix Laate

Wednesday 16 August 2006 12:06:24 am


I tried to use the command-line compiler, but still the same. I can't get into the admin interface ;-(


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 16 August 2006 2:59:48 am

Very strange issue, I have no idea what could have happened.

Are you really sure you did not change anything else? If possible, try to restore a backup of your whole site.

We put all our sites in a subversion repository (except for the var dir) and we use a checkout to do development. This approach allows us to track each little change we make.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Felix Laate

Friday 25 August 2006 1:10:43 am

Hi again!

I installed ez in a pararell directory and copied the design, settings and var from the old to the new. A little tweeking and the it worked. I could log in again.

BUT, now there is a new problem. I am not able to upload files or images.

I have checked:

- permissions in the var directory are correctly set
- var/log/error.log shows nothing (concerning the upload)
- apache error-log shows nothing
- it is possible to upload to other ez-sites on this server

What could possibly cause this?


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Kristof Coomans

Friday 25 August 2006 1:37:49 am

I am not able to upload files or images.

Can you upload packages?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Felix Laate

Friday 25 August 2006 1:48:52 am

Hi Kristof!

Yes, I can. I just uploaded a site-style package just to check.


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Kristof Coomans

Friday 25 August 2006 3:56:29 am

How are you trying to upload the files? As an attribute in a content object, or with WebDAV?

What do you have in site.ini.append.php of your siteaccess for [FileSettings].VarDir?

No related entries in the logs under the dir specified by the previous setting?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Felix Laate

Monday 28 August 2006 12:07:30 am

Hi again!

Thanks for helping Kristof!

I try to upload the files using the regular publishinh methods in the admin interface, NOT WebDAV.

VarDir is set to var/news for all siteaccesses.

The ezp errorlog shows this:

[ Aug 28 2006 09:04:57 ] [MYIP] The reference alias original file var/news/storage/images/media/images/testbilder/test/4812-1-nor-NO/test.jpg does not exist
[ Aug 28 2006 09:04:57 ] [MYIP] Original alias does not exists, cannot create other aliases without it
[ Aug 28 2006 09:04:57 ] [MYIP] Failed creating the referenced alias reference, cannot create alias small


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger