Forums / Setup & design / Just one list for parent and child

Just one list for parent and child

Author Message

Leandro Alves

Thursday 29 September 2005 7:59:50 am


<b>I have this structure:</b>

-forum (node 63)

I would like to make just a list with all forum_topic and forum_reply by the last published order.

<b>I have tried this:</b>

{let folder_list=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,63,

{section var=folder loop=$folder_list}

{let last=fetch('content','tree',hash(parent_node_id,               
             sort_by, array(array('published', false() ) ),
             limit, 5 ) )}

{section var=reply loop=$last show=$last}
    <a href={concat( $reply.parent.url_alias, '#msg', 
     $reply.node_id )|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a>


This works fine and show me the last five itens published.

But I have a wrong link for all forum_topic nodes.

for example:

<b>If the item is a forum_reply I have this link:</b>
http://.../folder/forum_topic#msg99 <b>(its ok)</b>

<b>If the item is a forum_topic I have this link:</b>
http://.../folder#msg99 <b>(its wrong)</b>

This link <b>http://.../folder#msg99</b> should be like this <b>http://.../folder/forum_topic</b>

I suppose I have to change something in my code, but I don't know what and I need help.

Thanks in advance!


Kristof Coomans

Thursday 29 September 2005 9:33:04 am

{section var=reply loop=$last show=$last}
    {section show=$reply.class_identifier|eq('forum_reply')}
    <a href={concat( $reply.parent.url_alias, '#msg', 
     $reply.node_id )|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a>
    <a href={$reply.url_alias|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a>

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Eder Trevisoli

Thursday 29 September 2005 11:37:15 am

Hey Leandro,
I don&acute;t understand, hehehe ;-(

Eder Trevisoli

Leandro Alves

Thursday 29 September 2005 12:26:35 pm

Hello Kristof!!!!

Thanks a lot for your reply... It works like a charm!!!! :)

