Forums / Setup & design / Is this a variable scope bug or just something I don't understand properly?

Is this a variable scope bug or just something I don't understand properly?

Author Message

Tristan Koen

Monday 11 August 2003 1:10:27 am

Hi All,

I have run into a very strange "bug" that I am at a loss to explain.

I have a {section name=Folder loop=...}. Within this section, I have access to a number of objects, including the 'item' object from the current iteration of the loop. For example, within the section I have a line:
Which shows the name of the object. This works perfectly.
The problem comes in when I have a {let} or {section} embedded within the current {section} scope.
In any code following the embedded {/section}{/let} , I appear to lose all my objects - even though they remain in scope - EXCEPT for the LAST iteration of the loop which works.

The debug message I get is:
Unknown template variable 'item' in namespace 'Folder'

The offending line is the message below is:
<a href={concat('content/view/full/',$:item.node_id)|ezurl}>[ Read more about {$}... ]</a>

If I move the offending line to a position before the embedded {let} it works as it should. Very odd...

Can anyone shed some light on this?

The full source code follows:

{let folder_list=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,47,
{section name=Folder loop=$folder_list} ******** SECTION DECLARATION ********
<div class="columnItem">
<h1>{$}</h1> ******** IN SCOPE; WORKS FINE ********
{let item_list=fetch(content,tree,hash(parent_node_id,$Folder:item.node_id,
{section loop=$Folder:item_list}
<p><a href={concat('content/view/full/',$:item.node_id)|ezurl}>[ Read More... ]</a></p>
<a href={concat('content/view/full/',$:item.node_id)|ezurl}>[ Read more about {$}... ]</a> ******** SHOULD BE IN SCOPE. FAILS COMPLETELY EXCEPT FOR LAST ITERATION ********

Paul Borgermans

Monday 11 August 2003 10:17:06 am

I have had also variable scoping bugs with nested {section}{/section}

Definately something that needs to be checked. Or maybe I'll be wiser after the course next week and suffer from misunderstanding currently.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Tristan Koen

Tuesday 12 August 2003 1:26:20 am

Thanks for the confirmation Paul. I have filed a bug report.