Forums / Setup & design / Image captions

Image captions

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Bill Rust

Tuesday 08 May 2007 5:54:14 am

I've had a trawl through these postings without much luck in solving this small problem.

I'm using eZ 3.4.4 and want to add picture captions underneath images. At the moment I only have the caption text appear when a user hovers over the image, which is ok but I would prefer it to be visible when I upload the file using the "Local image file for upload." Any pointers?


Betsy Gamrat

Tuesday 08 May 2007 7:20:38 pm


You should be able to edit the datatype override for the images (content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl) and add the caption underneath, with something similar to:


Good luck.

Bill Rust

Wednesday 09 May 2007 7:40:16 am

Many thanks for your help Betsy. I had a go at what you suggested but, perhaps being a bit of a eZ newbie, I think I'm missing something.

A little more information, I created a XML text field in the administrator side and called it caption. Now when I create articles there is a field for the caption. In the ezimage.tpl, underneath the below code I tried yours.

  {section show=$href}<a href={$href} {section show=$target}target={$target}{/section}>{/section}<img src={$image.url|ezroot} width="{$image.width}" height="{$image.height}" {section show=$hspace}hspace="{$hspace}"{/section} border="{$border_size}" alt="{$image.text|wash(xhtml)}" title="{$image.text|wash(xhtml)}" />{section show=$href}</a>{/section}

I also tried:

<div class="attribute-caption" style="width: {$object.data_map.image.content[$object_parameters.size].width}px">
        {attribute_view_gui attribute=$object.data_map.caption}

as in the embedded images the captions work and this second piece of code is from there. However, it still doesn't work. Any idea of where I'm going wrong?