Tuesday 18 October 2005 7:17:31 am
A good practice in general is to validate your CSS first: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?profile=css2&warning=0&uri=http%3A//iantri.ath.cx/ezpublish/index.php/corporate/products It shows 2 errors of which one might be the culprit:
div#toolbar-top {
padding: 0px 0 0 0 px;
You could also write it like this:
div#toolbar-top {
padding: 0;
Less code, less error prone. The other error is just a spelling mistake.
If fixing the first error doesn't solve your IE problem, try asking for help in place more suited for this kind of question: http://www.csscreator.com/css-forum/ You can bet that there are quite some CSS wizards and it is a good place for CSS information in general.