Forums / Setup & design / Hungarian translation error (characters: ő, ű)?

Hungarian translation error (characters: ő, ű)?

Author Message

Zoltan Szappanos

Monday 07 April 2003 5:45:37 am

Question 1:
- Translating to hungarian after eZLinguist, some in the space of some characters there is a '?' mark. These charachters are: 'ő'=letter o with double acute , 'ű'=letter u with double acute.

Question 2:
- Similar problem, but it happens when writing something in eZP3 to a textbox (XML text) then saving it and the output of the former 2 letter looks like this: 'ő'=&#337, 'ű'=&#369

Question 3:
- When changing the cache directory of my own site in site.ini my images disappear (SiteAcces/site.ini [FileSettings]

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 08 April 2003 2:16:28 am

The characters you entered are not part of the iso-8859-1 (latin1) charset which is the default setup for eZ publish. You will have to choose another charset in the settings/i18n.ini file, for instance use UTF8.

Currently eZ publish doesn't handle input like this properly without having Unicode on, do as with Q1 and choose UTF8.

You have to move the var/storage directory to the var/mydesign/storage, when changing storage dir. If not the images won't be found in the new path.



Zoltan Szappanos

Wednesday 09 April 2003 1:25:06 am

Thanks, it really worked (i used iso-8859-2). However i have another question. If i set Charset=iso-8859-2 in i18.ini and in site.ini then if i am right i don't have to set charset in template files ({*?template charset=iso-8859-2?*}).

And another question: i have the following error in debug after loading ezxmltext.tpl:

Notice: Apr 09 2003 10:20:00
eZTemplate: Loading template "content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl" with resource "design"

Error: eZTextCodec Apr 09 2003 10:20:00
Cannot create textcodec from characterset iso-8859-1 to characterset iso-8859-2