Saturday 16 October 2010 5:51:35 am
The press release etc. of ez4.4 show off the new HTML5 video datatype. Somehow, i cannot get this working. I did a fresh install of ez 4.4 (community edition) and use firefox 3.6 and Safari in Win7. I have converted some short videos to MPEG4 using "handbrake". That produced a file with an m4v extension. As that did not work, i renamed it to .mp4 Then, i modified the "media file" attribute in the "video/flash player" class to use the "HTML5 video" player type. On my (german) admin site, that class defintion now shows "media player type: EMPTY". I assume, that may be a missing translation of "HTML5 video" to german. Now, when i upload a MP4 video into a new"video/flash player" content object, the binary file is recognized as MIME-Type "video/mp4". On the admin site (object preview tab), i can see a video-HTML-tag in the html source. Nice. But it does not display anything (just some white space) in Firefox. In Safari, it displays a static image from the video, but no video controls or so. But on the front side, ez still generated a the ezPublish flash player (which works fine), but it does not create any VIDEO-HTML-Tag. I cleared caches, of course. So, how did Bard make the MP4 demo work in the webinar some days ago? ;) Do i need specific Server settings? Are the current ezflow output templates fit for the new datatype?? Why does my firefox not show the video? (I can access the MP4 video file in through the web browser at e.g. .../ezflow_site_admin/content/download/108/573/Samsung_LED-1.mp4 . It loads and displays fine in a quicktime player within firefox)