Forums / Setup & design / How to setup media for download after purchase?

How to setup media for download after purchase?

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Craig Broyles

Saturday 02 September 2006 6:25:02 am

So I am trying to use this web application to sell digital media content I have created. I thought the documentation said it was possible, but I can't figure it out. What I want to have happen...

A customer browsing my site clicks on a product I am selling...They are asked to pay with paypal, once the transaction is complete, I want the media file to begin downloading on their computer.

I guess it would be similar to how iTunes works. Any info is appreciated.

Martin Ulrich

Sunday 03 September 2006 4:32:10 am

I do a solution, but is surely not professionel, but enough for my small business.

Add an xmltext-field to my product-class and than put the download-link within this xml-field.

Then modify template orderview.tpl showing this xml-field.

Now on last page on checkout a downloadlink will be präsentated to customers.

regards :)

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Clemens T

Sunday 03 September 2006 3:37:22 pm

I'd build my own module, which oversees the payment/download process as a whole:

Download ----> redirect to PayPal site, which has a 'redirectURL' (I think) to redirect back to your site after the payment is complete--> (new view, verify the payment has been processed/validated) people get 1 token to download the file. You could download your own: /downloadfile/ (check the core ezpublihs php's, to do so).. and you can easily create something like:

} else {

It's just suggestions, not really a good story.. but you have to be familiar to write a module that is as complex as the one you want.


Nuno Portugal

Friday 17 November 2006 11:51:54 am

Hi Sepp Spalt

How did you set in orderview.tpl to show XML fields, i can only see the options field, tried to add other attributes to product , set {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.myxmlfield} in the form and it shows in product full view but when you advance in the shop, confirmorder.tpl, orderview.tpl doesn´t show the xml field...