Forums / Setup & design / how to override workflow.ini, content.ini etc in a multisite (siteacces) configuration?

how to override workflow.ini, content.ini etc in a multisite (siteacces) configuration?

Author Message

danny36 danny36

Wednesday 28 April 2004 7:48:26 am

Is it possible to do this:

# in settings/siteaccess/myaccess/override.ini.append

with "workflow.ini", "content.ini", "error.ini" and so on ??

Does it works?

Thank you

Lazaro Ferreira

Wednesday 28 April 2004 10:55:36 am



You can override any .ini file for a specific siteaccess that way

In case that you want override all of the siteaccess of your site, you should put your


file in 'settings/override/'



danny36 danny36

Thursday 29 April 2004 1:22:40 am

i try to explain better.

We have a multisite installation for siteX = 1,2,3,4,etc. (we use the siteaccess method)
directories are organized this way:
whee X is 1,2,3 etc

In EzpublishDir/settings/ we have "workflow.ini", "content.ini", "error.ini" etc.

The problem is that this files seems to be common to every site and i need to override specific settings for each SiteX :-(

In other words is there a way to di this something like:
I've tried but seems no to work...??? (may be i've missed something?)

I Hope this is clearer..

Thank you very much :-)

danny36 danny36

Thursday 29 April 2004 1:31:44 am

Ok, I have verified installing all the demo sites from a fresh distribution. :-)
I have found were xxx.ini.append file have to be placed to override for a specific siteaccess.

I hope everything is ok.. i try..

Thank you very much :-)