Forums / Setup & design / How to list data from class, without node ?!

How to list data from class, without node ?!

Author Message

Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 06 December 2005 1:38:29 pm

Hi ...

I have link in the main page called "My Ads", this will list down the user ads as am planing, but ... main problem how to make the template for it ?!
Shall i make blank node as place(template)holder adn override it from ini !?!

Or should i override the error page based on the $site attribute, becuz its give back the requested module ?!

I hope some can understande my problem !!

I wanna create a page where just give a list of the content !

Thanks in advanced.

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 06 December 2005 11:23:15 pm

You can create somewhere in content tree dummy node, and make node override for this node. Then in template list down your ads.

Hope it will help you.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 06 December 2005 11:42:01 pm

Thanks ... thats what I had done ...

But will be nice if we can override based the url also ..don`t u think that !?

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 06 December 2005 11:44:32 pm

In Setup->URL Translator you can setup new system url forwarding, and set new name which will point to this dummy node

my_ads -> content/view/full/dummy_noce_id

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->