Thursday 01 June 2006 8:36:46 am
Hello i have a folder object and as related_object i've an "image" Object. i want to display this "image" (related Object) when accessing the folder. in the override template, I've this code:
{let myrelate_objects=fetch( 'content', 'related_objects',
hash( 'object_id', $node.contentobject_id))}
{foreach $myrelate_objects as $myrelate_object}
{if eq($myrelate_object.class_name, "Image")}
<br />{$}<br />{*<b>i want to display hier</b>*}
the variable <b>$</b> return the "my_image" as the name of "my_image.png".
so i can't display the picture. can someone help me??