Forums / Setup & design / How to detect if an embeded object is an image.
Clay Pereira
Thursday 19 August 2004 10:04:18 am
Hello I have one remaining issue to fix in order to make the ezpublish standard laylouts work perfectly on IE 5.5 Mac.
The Issue:Floated objects need to have a set width in order for them to be floated. In 3.4 the xml objet.tpl now controls the float. Object-Right, Object-left. How can I get the width of the object. So I can have something like this.
<div class="object-{$object_align}" style="width:240px">
Thursday 19 August 2004 11:18:20 am
I solved it myself.
{section show=eq($object.contentclass_id,"5")} <div class="object-{$object_align}" style="width:{$object.data_map.image.content.[$object_parameters.size].width}px"> {content_view_gui view=$view object_parameters=$object_parameters content_object=$object} </div> {/section}
No images float properly in IE Mac
With this code and my css code fix more horizontal menus. EZ basic templates work for IE mac.