Forums / Setup & design / How do I show the name of the folder in the title of the browser widow.

How do I show the name of the folder in the title of the browser widow.

Author Message

Clay Pereira

Thursday 26 August 2004 12:43:58 pm

How do I get the long name of the folder in the tile of the browser instead of the short name?


Thursday 26 August 2004 3:43:05 pm

2 possiblities

1.) modify the content class folder and use the long names as content object name

2.) write your own page_head.tpl witch implemnts the "titel" tag. You might want to you the property $module_result.node_id(or similar)

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Trond Åge Kvalø

Friday 27 August 2004 12:41:54 am

Hi Clay!

If you choose to create your own page_head.tpl, here's an example of how to do it.

{* first we fetch the current node as it is not directly available in pagelayout.tpl *}
{let curr_node=fetch( content, node, hash( node_id, $module_result.node_id ) )}
{* then we display whatever we want in the title tag *}
<title>::: {$curr_node.data_map.your_attribute_name_goes_here} :::</title>

Or you can, as Björn mentioned, just edit the object name pattern of your folder class to match your long name attribute identifier.

Hope this helps

best regards
