Forums / Setup & design / How can I use the priority on objects?

How can I use the priority on objects?

Author Message

Jerry Jalava

Wednesday 09 July 2003 6:46:48 am


In the demo installation I can see the priority boxes after the object... How can I get them to show in my admin site also? I have been trying and trying without any result...

Please help me out, I would really need this priority ordering...


Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 09 July 2003 7:47:52 am

Jerry Jalava

Wednesday 09 July 2003 9:54:32 am

Hi Selmah,

Thanks, but I still cannot see the boxes... I don't know what is wrong... It might be of the same reason that I cannot edit folders that I have made... When I click edit, only the buttons "Publish" and "discard" comes... I really would like to see the Boxes also (ie. in folder: Name, Description).


Bjørn Kaarstein

Wednesday 09 July 2003 11:42:20 pm

Try to check your user's roles and rights. It might seem like you have the right to create, but not edit the folder class.


Jerry Jalava

Thursday 10 July 2003 3:03:53 am


No the other problem is not because of rights, I use the admin account... And it's rights are alright... I can publish the objects if I press edit, but then they just come out empty 'cause there is no boxes to fill...
