Forums / Setup & design / how can i pass parameters from one of my templates to another (using attribute_view_gui)

how can i pass parameters from one of my templates to another (using attribute_view_gui)

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Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Thursday 03 March 2005 9:21:29 am

I include an embedded view in on of my templates using attribute_view_gui, but I include the same class object several places in the same teplate, and would like for it to behave diffrently from place to place.


{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.relaterteartikler}
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.eksternepekere}

is object relation lists with the same class, template looking like this:

{section show=$object.data_map.location.has_content}
<a href={$object.data_map.location.content|ezurl}>{$}</a><br />

but I'd like for one of them to behave a lil diffrently than the other, i'e by sending some parameter i could check for in the template.

Anyone knows how to do this?


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 03 March 2005 9:57:50 am

Yip, just add parameters to the attribute_view_call. Read this doc:


Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Thursday 03 March 2005 10:10:39 am

yeah, but where do I recall the parameter?


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 03 March 2005 10:56:30 am

If you try:

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$attribute my_new_parameter=1}

in your template use:



Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Thursday 03 March 2005 11:03:34 am

That was what struck me as logical as well, but I cant seem to make it work. This is the code as of now:

in template 1:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.eksternepekere btdfoo=bar}

template 2:
{section show=$object.data_map.location.has_content}
<a href={$object.data_map.location.content|ezurl}>{$}</a><br />

but no output from {$btdfoo} is produced. the <h1></h1> is displayed though..


Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Thursday 03 March 2005 11:14:21 am

not sure what happened there, but my post was lost.. did you moderate me, Paul? :)

Anyhow... It doesnt produce anything in the template output. Here is the current code:

In template 1:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.eksternepekere my_new_parameter=1}

Template 2:
{section show=$object.data_map.location.has_content}
<a href={$object.data_map.location.content|ezurl}>{$}</a><br />

$my_new_parameter does not display anything. the <h1> tags are displayed, so I'm sure its not a cache issue.


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 03 March 2005 12:47:29 pm

Which template are you trying to view the parameter with?

The attribute_view_gui call will fetch your attributes template ie:


This, or its override, is where your new parameter is valid.


Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Thursday 03 March 2005 12:55:29 pm

I've created an override template for embedded links (links that is listed as object relations).

I know it uses the correct override, cause the template is parsed as it should be. (all other output is correct).

Is there a setting that disables the possibility to send parameters between templates? This is a vanilla 3.5 installation.


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 03 March 2005 1:02:10 pm

No, it should work by default.

Can you list the file paths of the templates involved? Maybe that will help to show the connection between them.


Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Thursday 03 March 2005 1:24:36 pm

/node/view/full.tpl overridden by
for class articlemedobjekter

{section show=$node.object.data_map.eksternepekere.has_content}
<div class="hoyreboksmainboks">
<span class="bold">Eksterne pekere:</span><br />
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.eksternepekere my_new_parameter=1}
eksternepekere is a object relation list consisting of only "link" class objects

/content/view/embed.tpl overridden by
for class "link"

{section show=$object.data_map.location.has_content}
<a href={$object.data_map.location.content|ezurl}>{$}</a><br />


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 03 March 2005 1:39:39 pm

Ok, it looks like you are not override the object relation list, eksternepekere, template itself. Try overriding this template:


and try your passed in parameter. This is the only place your parameter will be exist.

inside the datatype template you may need to pass your parameter on for it to reach your link override.... ;)

btw, you can use parameters in other places too, {include ...}, {content_view_gui ...} etc.

Bjørn Torkel Dahl

Friday 04 March 2005 9:27:31 am

Ohh. yess..

tnx a lot
