Forums / Setup & design / Hide left menu on collected info page- SOLVED

Hide left menu on collected info page- SOLVED

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Richard Lundberg

Tuesday 18 November 2008 4:50:45 pm


I have a design where I want to selectively hide the left menu. This I have achieved through setting the HideLeftMenuClasses[]=... in the menu.ini.append.php file.

However, I have created a custom form class, set the lef menu to be hidden for this class, but I cannot get rid of the left menu in the collected info page that appears after the form has been submitted succesfully.

Does anybody have any ideas.

Thanks in advance,

Richard Lundberg

Just worked it out.


{elseif  $uri_string|contains("content/collectedinfo")}
    {set $pagestyle       = 'nosidemenu noextrainfo'}    

near the top of the paylayout.tpl