Forums / Setup & design / Hidden nodes still visible.

Hidden nodes still visible.

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Bjørn Olav Sagen

Thursday 27 July 2006 12:54:29 am

Hi everyone.

I'm currently setting up a testpage and I've been following the online tutorial at
After a while I noticed that my page wasen't similiar to the tutorial so I viewed page source and it turns out that divisions of type "hidden" are showing. The page looks like a crossover between usersite and adminsite.

I've checked the 'settings\<site>\site.ini.append.php' file and it does have


in it. I tried adding it to 'settings\override\site.ini.append.php' too with no result.

Anyone know what could be overriding these files?

Apache 1.3.35
Php 4.4.2
MySQL 4.0.1
EZpub 3.8.2

Bjørn Olav Sagen

Thursday 27 July 2006 1:12:23 am

Sorry about this. Doesn't look like it's hidden elements showing, but the page does look like a combination of admin and user site.

I followed the chess-site tutorial, except that I had a clean install and the tutorial is editing an existing install. So when I set default indexpage for mysite to the article as explained in the tutorial, I get the article pluss all the labels like "Title", "Short title", "Intro" ++ and at the bottom of the page I get the "Create article/comment/file/folder" options just like admin interface.

I'm kinda lost here so if anyone has some tips, it's greatly appreciated. :)


Apache 1.3.35
Php 4.4.2
MySQL 4.0.1
EZpub 3.8.2

Renaud Patrick

Monday 02 April 2007 9:37:45 am

Hello there,

I have the same kind of problem : when hiding a node with the eZContentObjectTreeNode::hideSubTree function, it appears "hidden" in the admin part, but still it shows on the front office...

And yes, the ShowHiddenNodes tag is positionned to false. :)

Any idea ?