Forums / Setup & design / help with $module_result in ez 3.4

help with $module_result in ez 3.4

Author Message

Hugo Siles

Tuesday 22 June 2004 4:35:07 pm

hi all, i want to know if someone has this problem or i'm the only one...

I upgraded my site to 3.3.3 to 3.4, everything goes smooth, but, when i tried to see my site it doesn't show anything excepts when I see the advanced search or the login pages

The DB is allright, all the nodes and objects are in their places, and the modifications done by the update scripts are ok...

but it looks like the variable <b>$module_result.content</b> doesn't contains anything..
for example when i try to see the main page, /content/view/full/54 for example, and I execute this code in the pagelayout



it gives me the following result

Attribute        Type     Value 
navigation_part  string   'ezcontentnavigationpart' 
path             boolean  false 
uri              string   '/plain' 

as you can see there is no definition for the content attribute...

If anyone know the answer for this problem please help me, i'm out of ideas right now..

Best Regards

Hugo Siles

Balazs Halasy

Wednesday 23 June 2004 12:16:19 am

1) Check your siteaccess settings (is it actually using the siteaccess?).
2) Turn on debug information and check the output for bogus messages.


Hugo Siles

Wednesday 23 June 2004 5:37:45 am

> 1) Check your siteaccess settings (is it actually using the siteaccess?).
>2) Turn on debug information and check the output for bogus messages.

> Allman


thanks for your reply... i check the siteaccess and it's ok, I also turn on the debug information and gives me this error:

No such attribute for array(3): content
Choose one of following: navigation_part, path, uri

but this problem is only when I try to see the full view of any object, articles or folders or something like this, but if I do a search it displays correctly the line views of articles, folder or any other class...

I also disabled de template compile but it given any result..

Do you have any other idea about this issue????

Best Regards

Hugo Siles

Hugo Siles

Wednesday 23 June 2004 5:41:36 am

One more thing I was forgeting, if I turn on the template compile I also get this errors:

Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\oc4
\lib\eztemplate\classes\eztemplatenodetool.php on line 300 

Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\oc4
\lib\eztemplate\classes\eztemplatenodetool.php on line 290 


Hugo Siles

Hugo Siles

Wednesday 23 June 2004 1:43:06 pm

Nobody has any ideas about this problem???



Wednesday 23 June 2004 3:12:22 pm

this errors seems kind of unique to me...

My frist estimate is that your db is bogus.

Are you sure you upgraded right?

Take the clean kernel and replace it with your db... DO you get results?

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Hugo Siles

Thursday 24 June 2004 8:48:16 am

Hi all... y try everything..

I reinstall all the ez 4, made the database upgrade again, run the scripts of the update/common/scripts directory, but nothing happens...

Any help would be greatly apprecitated..


Hugo Siles

Paul Borgermans

Thursday 24 June 2004 8:56:52 am

Maybe file permissions/owners are wrong?


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Hugo Siles

Thursday 24 June 2004 9:10:23 am

Thanks for your reply, i really appreciate your effort but nop, it's not a permission problem, because all the files are with the propper permision, I think it's a problem with the override.ini file...

in the new override files, in every override there is line likes this:


and in the all override files the lines look like this


I don't know if the all line is still valid in the new override files...
Do I have to change all this lines to the new format???


Hugo Siles

Paul Borgermans

Thursday 24 June 2004 9:36:22 am

No, the override is still valid. The class_identifier is new for 3.4.

To be sure, did you clear the cache (manually is the best) and cleared any accelerator caches/files?

Its a tough one, your problem. I also upgraded a 3.3 site to 3.4 (svn version of last friday), but did not encounter problems other than a buggy template compiler (editing the compiled templates by hand helps .. LOL)


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Hugo Siles

Thursday 24 June 2004 9:48:38 am

This problem it's amazing, it's driving me crazy...

if I override the workflo.ini file with a file workflow.ini.append.php inside the siteaccess then nothing is displayed in the front page, but if i delete this workflow.ini.append.php file then then content appears as by magic...

Any idea why this is happening???


Hugo Siles

Paul Borgermans

Thursday 24 June 2004 9:57:42 am

No clues but,

To quote Hans (developer here): "it is probably because of the position of the moon". We had a very weird problem where objecs were created twice with a certain edit template. The day after (and without changing anything), the problem was gone.

A similar thigw with a compiled template for a pagelayout override: it showed weird characters 1 hit in 2. The day after this problem was gone too.

Maybe ez publish is self healing in some way or another...


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Hugo Siles

Thursday 24 June 2004 10:14:42 am

Hi paul,
maybe your are right... because from one moment to another the problems I had disapear.. I don't know exactly what's is the solution or if I would be able to make again this problem appear, but the certain thing is that now my site is working smoothly again..

why or why not is a mystery... if it is working it's ok with me...


Hugo Siles