Forums / Setup & design / Help template no override

Help template no override

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Berardo Matè

Saturday 27 March 2004 2:53:30 am

Hi to all,
i've write my own template but does don't override pagelayout.tpl. I've also setup rights to chmod 666 for file but nothing. I want to create a new welcome page with a little bit different layout.
I'm usign eZ Publish 3.2.
Any ideas?

Many thanks

Maarten Holland

Wednesday 31 March 2004 2:30:11 am

You shoudn't override pagelayout.tpl directly. Instead create a new page in /design/yourdesign/override/templates/mywelcompage.tpl. You can accomplish this in different ways. The easiest is to create the directory and chmod 'override' 777. Then login to your admininterface and go to Setup, Templates. Click on /node/view/full. Select your design and press Set if neccesary.

Now you have to select when the override template must be used. Your rootnode (or topnode or frontpage) probably has node-id 2. Enter 2 in field 'node id' and type the desired name for your template (in my example 'mywelcomepage').

Correct pagelayout.tpl, clear your cache, reload your frontpage and enjoy your new frontpage!