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HELP!! front page design

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zed Zed

Monday 13 June 2005 4:46:15 am

I have an ezpublish site running on 3.4.1 but I haven't done any changes to it. It's still in it's original state as at installation so they are a couple of things that are not working. For example I have different sections of the site.

Using the corporate package, when ever I want to upload content to the other sections of the site, it's comes up on the latest box on the front page, which is the only box on the front page.

What I need is to know how to create different sections for the front page so that if for example I have sections like galleries, news, business etc when I upload content to the news section, the news comes up on the latest new box, and if I upload pictures in the galleries, the pictures appear on the galleries box on the front page too and the same if I add content to business section, it should have it's own box on the front page as well.

I have heard of making the changes on pagelayout.tpl and using tables and a fetch code but I have no idea just how to do this because I'm new to ezpublish.

Can some body help me because I'm running a charity site to help fight poverty in Africa but this technical problem is holding us back from developing our site. We have great faith in ezpublish so far.

Any help and feed back will be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.

Stéphane Bullier

Monday 13 June 2005 5:54:02 am


I suggest you to follow the tutorial "Creationg sections" :

Good luck !


zed Zed

Wednesday 15 June 2005 3:16:02 am

Thank you Bobo dialo for the reply.

I have gone into setup>template list>templateview>create new template..

The options are Template name[name of tempelate].tpl
Override keys class, section and node, the options are any or all the packages I have enabled.

how do I find out which node I need?

I noticed when I clicked on the edit button in the templateview, the template code came up but where do I go from there?

In my first post I may have used the wrong terminology. All I want is to have a front page that has different pages of the site all on one page [the frontpage or home page]. I believe this can be done with tables but where do I add the tables in the templates or on the top node? I'm using the default node as the home page but I want to have all parts that I have have created to be on the front page.

where does the fetch code go? The creating custom template tutorial is confusing because I'm using a corporate installation which has content in it and all I'm changing is the content but now I want to customise the look of the home page.

how do you add more latest boxes??

I want the page divided like the community page on ez where by it show different parts.

Please help!!!