Forums / Setup & design / header not working in xml fields in 3.1

header not working in xml fields in 3.1

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Sven Ryen

Saturday 28 June 2003 9:57:20 am


I've tried typing the following in an xml text field:

<header level='1'>abc</header>

according to the feedback I get, the field doesn't validate. Can somebody please enlighthen me on how to put headers in my xml text fields?

Wenyue Yu

Sunday 29 June 2003 6:09:16 am


If you just write line
<header level='1'>abc</header>
it should be validate since it has correct syntax. But header is not allowed to be put under <bold>,<italic>, etc. What exactly error message did you get?

Wenyue Yu

Sven Ryen

Sunday 29 June 2003 9:35:51 am

Hi wenyue yu!

Thanks for getting back at me..

As it happens, I get this error when trying to add an "article" to a "folder" in the setup that comes with EZ Systems demo configuration..

At the top of the page, inside the error area (wrapped in red lines), I get this message:

<<Input did not validate

Nothing else.

Weirdly enough, if I remove the "required" setting for the Intro field in the Article class, the Intro field now validates, and is correctly stored.

The Intro xml text field only contains: <header level='1'>abc</header>, nothing else. It's odd that you can't reproduce this at your end.

Let me know if you need more info or need me to try something out on my setup. This sure looks like a bug to me, so I'd be happy to provide info that'll help you fix it.

Sven Ryen

Sunday 29 June 2003 9:40:05 am

That last message was a bit fuzzy. Here are steps to reproduce:

1. Set up a class with an xml text field in it. Enable the "required" check box.
2. Create a new object of that same class
3. In the text field, type "<header level='1'>test</header>"
4. Click "send for publishing"

Error message at the top, can't store data!!

I expected data to validate...

Remove the "required bit" of the xml field settings in the content class.

Hope this helps! :)