Friday 18 April 2008 12:03:55 pm
Hello, I am fairly new to eZ Publish, so please excuse my ignorance. I've been reading as much as possible to get up-to-speed. I want to change the layout of my homepage. I know 'overrides' is how I accomplish this. 'pagelayout.tpl' is the main template file. In order to override this, I need to make a copy and place it at: design/ezwebin_site/override/templates/ . Now I need to change the 'override.ini.append.php' file located at: settings/siteaccess/ Inside the 'override.ini.append.php' file I place: [pagelayout_override]
(I can name this anything, correct?) Source=design/standard/templates/pagelayout.tpl
(this is the path to the pagelayout.tpl file I'm overriding) MatchFile=<pagelayoutcopy.tpl>
(MatchFile = whatever I name the new file that will override the previous file) Subdir=templates
I know I can also add 'Match[class_identifier]=' here for special instances, but I don't believe I need it in this case, correct? Thanks for your guidance, Brian