Forums / Setup & design / Google doesn't index my site, please help!

Google doesn't index my site, please help!

Author Message

Krzysztof Kajkowski

Monday 15 August 2005 2:30:53 am


I've been playin ezPublish for several months. It's a great piece of software. Recently, I started submitting my site ( to several search engines.

My problem with Google is that it doesn't dig into my subpages. As you can see here: it contains my newest main page, my very old contact page, and two main flash banners.

I tried to fixed with:
- removing ezSESSID (hopefully it is gone now)
- adding some path rewritting .htaccess functionallity (because I wanted my subpages appeared as subfolders to Google and others)
- adding robots.txt file
- writing to Google about that (no response yet)

For example I noticed that and have no problem with digging my site in. Google does only that: - - [15/Aug/2005:03:17:57 +0200] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 52 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+" - - [15/Aug/2005:03:17:59 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 12045 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+"

Does anyone have any idea how to fix it?



Luc Chase

Monday 15 August 2005 11:03:30 am

Work on getting other <b>relevant/on-topic</b>, sites to link to your site.

The Web Application Service Provider

Krzysztof Kajkowski

Monday 15 August 2005 12:48:33 pm

Is that really all about? I have my pages listed over some web dirs (as you can see on: ). Maybe it is something else?



Luc Chase

Tuesday 16 August 2005 6:53:41 am

Until Google registers those as valid links to your site, you can't really expect much. Also, links from general purpose directory sites are not likely to help much. You need to foster links from other sites which <b>focus</b> on similar content to your own. Do you have suppliers that might link to your site? Once they do that; do <b>not</b> submit your own page to Google; submit the page (on the other site) which links to your own... let Google find you <b>by referal</b>.

The Web Application Service Provider

Krzysztof Kajkowski

Tuesday 16 August 2005 8:03:12 am

Thanks for help! I've searched all day for the problem and you are right ;-)

Although, it is too late - I've already submitted my page to google (twice to a shame).

