Forums / Setup & design / Forum postings - can't control rendering of links

Forum postings - can't control rendering of links

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Cefn Hoile

Thursday 07 April 2005 9:44:45 am

I have set up an EZPublish site, based on the 'forum' template, but find that forum topics which contain URLS do not wrap correctly. They end up being as wide as the longest URL in the posting, and hence overflow onto the right bar.

I cannot apparently use <link> or <a> tags in the forums, as I can elsewhere in the site. If I could, this would allow these links to be shortened.

Possible fixes might include
- turn on html for forum postings
- find another way of expressing links in forum postings
- change the template so it is naturally wider, (there is a lot of space either side of the layout on a 1024 * 768 screen) and hence URLs would not normally overflow.

I'm afraid I don't know where to start with any of these.

Can anyone help with this?

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 11 April 2005 5:54:53 am

Hi Cefn,

You can use wash and autolink operators.


forum_topic_full -> /node/view/full.tpl

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