
Author Message

Finn David Nilsen

Tuesday 30 December 2003 2:56:28 pm

I try to make a form. First I made a infopage, and then I made a tml with the form inside, connected to the infopage node. So far everythings ok. But when I try the form at the usersite, it wont run.

This is the problem:
<form action="/form/process" method="post">
What is the right call....?

I'm using ez 3.3

Balazs Halasy

Friday 02 January 2004 1:52:26 am

Could you please be a bit more specific? What kind of form are you trying to implement. What is the entire code for your form? Why "won't it run"? Are there any error or debug messages?


Finn David Nilsen

Friday 02 January 2004 11:18:59 am

Here is my override template for the node 231 (and class 10, infopage):

<form action="/form/process" method="post">

<p><b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3">Type kommentar:</font></b></p>
<dd><b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3"><input type="radio" name="MeldingsType" value="Klage">Klage  <input type="radio" checked name="MeldingsType" value="Forslag">Forslag<input
type="radio" name="MeldingsType" value="Ros">Ros</font></b></dd>

<p><strong><b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3">Hva vil du kommentere?</font></b></strong></p>
<dd><b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3"><select name="Emne" size="1">
<option selected>Web-område</option>
<option>Tips om linker</option>
</select> Andre: <input type="text" size="26" maxlength="256" name="AndreEmner"></font></b></dd>

<p><strong><b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3">Skriv inn kommentarene dine i feltet nedenfor:</font></b></strong></p>
<dd><b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3"><textarea name="Kommentarer" rows="5" cols="42"></textarea></font></b></dd>
<b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3">Navn</font></b> </td>
<font face="Arial Black" color="#000000" size="2"><b><input type="text" size="35" maxlength="256" name="BrukerNavn"> </b></font></td>
<b><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3">E-post</font></b> </td>
<font face="Arial Black" color="#000000" size="2"><b><input type="text" size="35" maxlength="256" name="BrukerEpost"> </b></font></td>
<input type="hidden" name="MailSubject" value="Form information" />
<input type="hidden" name="MailSendTo" value="[email protected]" />

<input type="hidden" name="MailSendFrom" value="[email protected]" />

<input type="hidden" name="RedirectTo" value="" />

<p><font face="Arial Black" color="#000000" size="2"><b><input type="submit" value="Send kommentarer"> <input type="reset" value="Tøm skjema"></b></font></p>

The form can bee seen "in action" here: