Forums / Setup & design / Finding a way to implement “trasversal” site access

Finding a way to implement “trasversal” site access

Author Message

christian bencivenni

Sunday 16 March 2008 11:50:27 pm

Hi to you all.
I’m searching a way to implement a different kind of site and I need to know if exist a way to create it with eZ.
Let’s me explain: I have a typical eZ 3.10 installation with one default language (Italian) and two alternative language (English and Spanish). The site consist in a portal for entertaining so it have sub-sections for restaurants, events, concerts, holidays and so on.
The first installation consist in

     Language Siteaccess: Italian
     Language Siteaccess: English
     Language Siteaccess: Spanish

Now I have to upgrade it with a “trasversal” view. Something like a web or matrix organization.

Simply I must divide the single siteaccess into a “regional” visualization so I can click, for example, on a link named “Sicily” and view only events which are organized in the Sicily region. I obviously need to insert the single article, events and all other objects only one time and not copy them more and more.

My question is: is it possible to realize it? I hoped to make it using different siteaccesses with collocations for each object but I cannot find in the documentation settings a clear way to do it.

Someone can help me?

Thank you in advance.

christian bencivenni

Tuesday 18 March 2008 11:18:59 pm

I'm thinking about the problem and a way to resolve it is something like a multiple siteaccess.
So I have a question. Now I have:

Home  (italian)
     Language Siteaccess: Italian     
     Language Siteaccess: English     
     Language Siteaccess: Spanish

And I wont instead:

  Home: Region 1 (italian) - the most used    
  Region 2: Italian     
  Region 3: italian
  Region n: italian
  Language Siteaccess: English     
  Language Siteaccess: Spanish

Then when I create a new object I can choose in which siteaccess to put it. The db is the same.
To create a new siteaccess I must:
create/copy a new siteaccess directory in the design directory
create/copy a new siteaccess directory in the settings directory
probably change some global.ini file somewhere in the settings directory

Is correct?
And about the language? The italian language is the default when I create a new siteaccess?
And I can choose from the back end in which siteaccess create the new object?
Can a use a selection menu like the Traduction one ?

Thank you in advance to all who can help me.
