Forums / Setup & design / Feil / kernel (20) - modul no not in the system

Feil / kernel (20) - modul no not in the system

Author Message

Kristina Lausund

Thursday 15 February 2007 2:34:56 pm


I have just installed the eZ Publish system but didn't get to know it very well until my first challenge.

I am able to login to the admin site. Everything seems to work fine (content, media library, user accounts, webshop, design, my account) except for the setup. (Sorry if my translation is wrong, my admin site is in Norwegian.)

When I push the button setup ("Oppsett" in Norwegian), I receive the following error message: Feil/kernel (20) - modul no not in the system.

I searched the forum and found an article from 2004 where they suggested to delete the cache. I have tried that in the web interface without any luck. I also checked the Debug output checkbox (unchecked the rest) and pushed the set-button - no result.

I don't know what to try next. Can anyone give me an advice?

Best regards,