Forums / Setup & design / Feedback Form Email... Again

Feedback Form Email... Again

Author Message

Brian Gambill

Wednesday 07 September 2005 6:11:31 am

I have poured through the tutorial, forum suggestions and couple of bugs. Can someone walk the path of the feedback form, I can't sem to be able to crack the recipient email problem. I really want my own info collection forms, but want to point them to different email addresses. I know some of you have cracked this (or have you given up?). Thanks in advance for your help.

If there is an ReceiverEmail in site.ini, is it always used?


Why are there double entries on the feedback form and email when altering the form.tpl as in the tutorial? (
Step 6 (with corrected spelling of recEiver)

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{$object.data_map.receiver.content}{/set-block}

Is email_receiver the variable that needs to be set? Or is it like the site.ini setting EmailReceiver?