Forums / Setup & design / ezurl and DefaultAccess

ezurl and DefaultAccess

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Benjamin Lorteau

Wednesday 29 July 2009 7:08:24 am


I'm using eZ Publish with URI access method, with 2 public siteaccesses : <b>site1</b> and <b>site2</b>.

<b>site1</b> is configured to be the DefaultAccess, and URLs with no siteaccess name in it work perfectly, using <b>site1</b> as siteaccess.

But the ezurl operator is still adding the siteaccess name, even it's not necessary for the URLs to work.

Is there a particular configuration directive to set in order ezurl not to show siteaccess name in generated URL for siteaccess <b>site1</b> or should I somehow patch the operator ?

May I add that using ezroot would indeed work to remove the siteaccess name from URLs, but would do it even for siteaccess <b>site2</b>, which is not expected ?

Thank you by advance.

eZ Publish personal project : [fr]

Max Keil

Wednesday 29 July 2009 4:05:44 pm

Hi Benjamin,

I think what you are looking for can be founden in your site.ini. Set up this setting to remove the default siteaccess from your site.


You do not need other patches or changes in your ezurl operator.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Max Keil

eZ Publish Gold Partner -