Monday 28 March 2005 12:07:44 pm
Heya: I'm not really sure how those are different. At it's core, whenever you're working with a OO framework, you have to have a method to express your data that's generated by your classes into something your users can use. Whether you're building eZ Publish or your own handbuilt CMS, you're always going to have to do this. The second method your describing is more proceedural progamming (essentially using ez as a basic database). It's not really taking advantage of the power of eZ Publish, not it's OO underpinnings.
If you just want to get a default style and customize it, get one of the pre-designed results of the recent template contest: Otherwise, yes, you do have to set up templates to express the data. Actually, eZ Publish is really intelligently build with the "overrrides", because it provides profound flexibility. You got to remember, this system is design to build a system that scales well, and is less work in the big picture. Some modicum of effort is required to set it up initially. Jonathan
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