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eZPackage & Content class versionning

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Jérôme Vieilledent

Thursday 07 February 2008 2:14:24 am


I would like to know if there is a way to version content class packages...
For example, I released the 1.0 version of my site with all content classes packaged. I created several content objects with my custom classes.

What if I have to modify several of my custom classes by adding fields for example ? If I try to import my new package (new version 1.0.1 of my classes package), the system tells my it's impossible because the package is already installed. And if I try to uninstall the previous version, eZPublish warns me that all my objects created with my custom classes will be deleted !

Is there an issue for that ?

JT -

Wednesday 09 December 2009 2:05:28 am


I have problems related to the package management too:

I can export a package easily but if I try to update the same package that doesn't work. I have to delete the old one before I can export a new one or I have to rename it. IMHO that's not sensible. There is a version counter one can edit and that means the package should be replaced by the new one.
If I have to delete it the comment "- Creation of package." is rather futile because one can only create new packages. Isn't it?

I would expect an "Update"-Button to rebuild the exported package with exactly the same parameters except the version and an additional comment.

And on the other side of the process:

I totally agree with Jerôme; one should be able to import an updated package

  • that respects the existing package (and updates it instead of having to delete and install manually)
  • that respects existing content (i.e. it is not deleted but kept; or kept and updated)

Is this issue going to be solved (the message by Jerôme is almost 2 years old...) or is it just balderdash?

Thx in advance,