Forums / Setup & design / eZP4.3 : strange bahavior in admin design

eZP4.3 : strange bahavior in admin design

Author Message

Pascal France

Tuesday 04 May 2010 4:39:38 pm


I notice a strange behavior of the menus "Preview", "Locations", "Translations" etc. in the «admin» (not admin2) interface of eZP 4.3.0.

When I click on one of these menus, the page is reloaded but the status of the menu does not change and the related frame is not displayed/hidden. I have to clear the caches to obtain the wanted effect.

And this behavior concerns a "from scratch" 4.3.0 installation.

Am I alone to notice this ?


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -