Forums / Setup & design / eZP 3.10: trouble with the display of images

eZP 3.10: trouble with the display of images

Author Message

Pascal France

Saturday 20 October 2007 9:27:27 am

Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

Pascal France

Saturday 20 October 2007 10:20:32 am


I think there is a bug because each time I remove the apostrophes in the titles of my articles the images are displayed.


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

Pascal France

Saturday 20 October 2007 10:36:07 am

I confirm that even with the first template which seemed to work, if I add an apostrophe in the title then the image is no more displayed and we get an error message.


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

Pascal France

Sunday 21 October 2007 8:52:20 am


I did a new little test:

I upgrade from 3.9.3 to 3.9.4 => all works fine

Then, I upgrade from 3.9.4 to 3.10 (following the doc): the images are no more displayed and I get the error message (which disapears as soon as I remove the apostrophe in the title in order there are no more apostrophe in the image path).


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

André R.

Monday 22 October 2007 12:21:18 am

You should report this as a issue with string example, and link back to this thread.

I can confirm that I have seen this kind of issues when you use some special charters often used in France as object title in 3.8.6.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Paul Wilson

Monday 22 October 2007 2:35:09 am

Hi Pascal,

I've just (re-)discovered this problem myself? have you reported this as an issue? I could not see it there.

- Paul

Pascal France

Monday 22 October 2007 6:11:54 am

Hi Paul and André,

My question is: I believe that 3.10 is the last version of th 3 branch. So, event there is a bug in 3.10, will it be fixed ? Will a bugfix 3.10 version be published ?


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

Paul Wilson

Monday 22 October 2007 6:38:05 am

I haven't been following that closely, but I expect if 3.10.0 is the last version in the 3 series, then that just means there will be no 3.11.X ... but any major issues may be addressed in, for example, an EZ Publish 3.10.1.

This would be in keeping with the way EZ seems to develop things ... any major issues are usually examined/fixed in the current version (eg 3.10) and in the next major version in development (eg 4.0).

There will probably need to be a 3.10.1 release to fix some of the issues in 3.10.0 - eg user registration has problems (

But over to Andre/EZ crew for an authoritative answer.

I suggest it's worth submitting as an issue in any case.


- Paul

André R.

Monday 22 October 2007 7:08:23 am

Yes, it is worth submitting!

We normally support two stable branches + the development branch.
Right now
3.9, 3.10 and trunk ( 4.0 )

When 4.0 is stable:
3.10, 4.0 and trunk ( 4.1 )

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Pascal France

Monday 22 October 2007 12:22:32 pm

Bug reported:


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -