Forums / Setup & design / ez3.7 - attribute_edit_gui problems

ez3.7 - attribute_edit_gui problems

Author Message

Marin Orlic

Monday 22 August 2005 8:56:41 am

Hi all,

I have problems when using {attribute_edit_gui ...} in forms (user/register in this case). When the form fails validation, the fields are cleared (even those that are correct), and previous entries forgotten.

I've tried writing my own HTML instead of using attribute_edit_gui, for instance, something like this for a simple text field (ezstring):

<input type="text" name="ContentObjectAttribute_ezstring_data_text_{$}" class="box" size="70" value="{$object.data_map.first_name.data_text|wash( xhtml )}" />

Which creates the same code as attribute_edit_gui. Admin interface works fine (using the same standard templates), and similar code written for e-mail field works ok:

<input type="text" name="ContentObjectAttribute_data_user_email_{$}" class="box" size="70" value="{$|wash( xhtml )}" />

eZ is SVN 13035, PHP is 4.4.0.