Forums / Setup & design / Error / kernel (3) with the "User accounts" section

Error / kernel (3) with the "User accounts" section

Author Message

Benjamin Lemoine

Friday 02 November 2007 4:21:42 am

Hi !

I've a serious problem i can't resolve.
In the admin interface, when I try to access to the Media library (content/view/full/43) or the User accounts (content/view/full/5) sections, this warning message appears :

The requested page could not be displayed. (3)

The requested object is not available.

Possible reasons:

    * The ID number of the object is incorrect. Please check the URL for spelling mistakes.
    * The object is no longer available.

I've tried all scripts php, nothing work :(

This error is appeared after I put the multingual service in place, by copying my siteaccess and modifying the new site.ini.append.php, the admin site.ini.append.php and the override/site.ini.append.php

I very need some help.
My eZ version : 3.9.2 on a linux system
Thank you.


Sebastiaan van der Vliet

Friday 02 November 2007 9:00:57 am

Hello Benjamin,

What is the orginal content object locale of your site (before making it multilingual) and what locale are you using on the administrative backend?

Kind regards,

Certified eZ publish developer with over 9 years of eZ publish experience. Available for challenging eZ publish projects as a technical consultant, project manager, trouble shooter or strategic advisor.

Benjamin Lemoine

Friday 02 November 2007 9:26:25 am

Hello Sebastiaan,

I use French Locale (fre-FR) for both : frontend and backend.
The second siteaccess for multilingual service use the GB locale

Sebastiaan van der Vliet

Friday 02 November 2007 9:33:59 am

What happens if you set the [RegionalSettings]ShowUntranslatedObjects=enabled in the admin siteaccess?

Certified eZ publish developer with over 9 years of eZ publish experience. Available for challenging eZ publish projects as a technical consultant, project manager, trouble shooter or strategic advisor.

Benjamin Lemoine

Friday 02 November 2007 9:48:38 am

Nothing happens :'(

This is my configuration :
- 2 siteaccesses "fre" and "eng"
- 1 admin interface

[RegionalSettings] section in each "site.ini.append.php" :




Benjamin Lemoine

Monday 12 November 2007 5:26:42 am

I still have this bug, and I need to create some new accounts soon...
Any other Ideas ???
