Forums / Setup & design / error in quicktime template

error in quicktime template

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Erland Flaten

Thursday 08 January 2009 2:34:03 am

It is not possible to set a videoclip to autostart=false, which I ned to be able to do.
I am using the websiteinterface extension on 4.01

It looks like the system gives wrong parameter ( play) to the plugin. It must be autoplay and should be set as true or false in in EZ Publish by the user. When you install the quicktime plugin the default setting on autoplay is set as true by the plugins controllpanel. Most people do never change this and thats why it is important to controll the autoplay feature. Where and how do I change this?

One way of dealing with plugin setings in quicktime is to leave a open textfield so the editor can fill in evrything. That opens for user errors, but it makes it possible to use all plugin settings and not only a few where one is wrongly implementet. As far as I can see.

The plugin should be comanded according to Apples quicktime specs on:

There is lot quicktime.tpl and I found an occurence of "play" thats is in the design/base/override/templates/embed/quicktime.tpl i tried to correct the usage of the wrong "play" to "autoplay" in quicktime.tpl ( cleared all caches), but it dident work.

 <param name="play" value="{section show=$attribute.content.is_autoplay}true{/section}" />

There is also a quicktime.tpl in the directory:

Thanks for any help on this:)

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway

Erland Flaten

Friday 09 January 2009 11:44:18 am

I see this is bug and is reported in 2006 as #008382 and #008383.

Its is long time a go. Will this be fixed?

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway


Friday 09 January 2009 5:00:25 pm

Agreed! Here are direct links to the issues. Be certain to vote in the issue system for the issues you care about most.



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