Forums / Setup & design / Error - ezImageManager::creating Image Alias

Error - ezImageManager::creating Image Alias

Author Message

Rosalind Share

Wednesday 03 March 2004 11:05:42 am

As a newbie, I would appreciate your help. I have installed ezPublish on a shared Linux hosting:

Apache: 1.3.29 (Unix)
PHP: 4.3.3
MySQL: 4.0.15-standard

EzPublish 3.3

I am learning ezPublish and am following the Tutorial. I have got to Setting the default page. Try as I might, I cannot seem to get it to show the image. I have done this about 12 times but all I get is:

Missing main operation momento for key; c5075b763d970b30a743b4a23e9ca900

Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias
The reference alias original file var/lupus/storage/images/welcome_to_lupus_patients_understanding_support_lupus_website/140-11-Eng-GB/welcome_to_lupus_patients_understanding_support_lupus_website. does not exist

Error: Original alias does not exist, cannot create other aliases without it.
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias
Failed creating the referenced alias reference, cannot create alias large

All directories are chmod 777 and all files 666

Please forgive my ignorance because I have never used this CMS before and really want to use it.

I really need your help!

Thanking you in advance


Please help me!