Forums / Setup & design / encyclopedia functionality

encyclopedia functionality

Author Message

Jacek S

Wednesday 15 December 2004 3:38:03 pm

I want to add to my site some form of encyclopedia - something like wiki but much more simple. I wish to have a set of articles - every of them should be assign to categories and several others releted articles. This encyclopedia should have a sorting capability - in alfabetical order and in categories order. I dont need any other functionality - like editing articles by users and so on.
Have any one seen or doing something like this?
Could you give me any advice how could i reach this functionality in ez publish?

Xavier Dutoit

Thursday 16 December 2004 3:18:44 am

I'd say the easiest solution is to place the articles under several parents, each of the parent is a category.
Beware, that's not very userfriendly and might be time consuming to pick up the new parents.
Use related objects to store the links between the articles.

Hope this helps.
