Forums / Setup & design / Empty $User and redirect_uri variables

Empty $User and redirect_uri variables

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Jerome Guillemain

Tuesday 02 August 2011 8:04:53 am

Hello everyone, 

I'm trying to make a new login/register page on EzPublish 4.5.0. The client want to have the login form and the register one on the same page, but I'm sure that it's possible if they are in different forms.

I made an override of login.tpl and register.tpl, and I'm working on it. However, I have a problem, which is that, event with the old template, I cannot either log in or register. 

I'm a really beginner with EzPublish technology, but I tried to have a look in the code. There is a variable "$User" which is never filled. It declarated but never filled. Moreover, the "redirect_uri" variable is empty. Is it normal ?

Thanks a lot for helping me if someone can !!

Yannick Komotir

Tuesday 02 August 2011 11:12:28 am


Please use the eZ debug instead of dive into PHP code.

<|- Software Engineer @ eZ Publish developpers -|>