I am trying to show the thumbnail of an image, which I added to an infopage as related object. Therefor I overrided /content/view/embed.tpl with a template, that is supposed to display the thumbnails source (<img src...>)
However, I can not find any information within this object that points me to the thumbnails source!
According to the admin interface, the thumbnail is stored in: /var/storage/variations/image/p/h/p/phpkBI2jg_100x100_138.jpg
This is the source I need!
I feel, it's not intended to make use of the thumnail outside the admin interface, right?
> <object id="1" size="small" /> > (change 1 with your object ID)
would be even better! Unfourtunately it's not working...
Is there a way to add attributes to the object tag (like size or alignment) that I can access from a template or pass to the datatype template (in this case ezimage.tpl)?
The question is, when embedding related objects with <object id="xy" />, can I add additional attributes such as <object id="xy" myattribute="some_data" /> and access them in the template via e.g: {$object.data_map.myattribute}??