Forums / Setup & design / Editor role gives fatal error when making new content

Editor role gives fatal error when making new content

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Erland Flaten

Friday 30 January 2009 2:05:30 am

User with the role as "Editor" cant make new article or any other content. When we log in as user with editor role ez sayes:

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Editing works fine.
Make new content works fine when loged in as admin.

I am not complete shure if the roles are set correct but this one seems relevant

content  	 create  	 
Class( Folder , Link , Article , Article (main-page) , Article (sub-page) , Blog , Product , Feedback form , Frontpage , Documentation page , Infobox , Multicalendar , Poll , File , Flash , Image , Quicktime , Windows media , Real video , Gallery , Forum , Event calendar , Banner , Forums ) , ParentClass( Folder ) 

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway