Wednesday 13 October 2004 8:04:01 am
After my last message, I came to think of the edit_placement.tpl I use the standard edit.tpl as an override, and had commented out edit_placement and edit_right_menu cause the users don't need this to edit the content, and will only cause confusion. When I used the edit_placement, it worked, and also using your suggestion with an hidden form field. So this is great, thanks. But I now have a bigger problem. I tried to edit a few objects before, and got that error I described. On those objects the error still apperes, but not only at the frontend, but ALSO in admin! So I have no possibility to change this objects anymore. This has probably something to do with cache, but I have cleared all cahce through admin, but it's still the same. Any suggestion on this? Delete the /var/cache/ ?