Thursday 20 January 2005 1:59:50 am
Hello, I'm french so excuse my poor english ;)
I read the entire documentation that you provide but I don't understand the template management of EzPublish. If someone has some usefull links to share ... Few questions : (knowing that I have successfully set my "mysite" settings...)
=> I have 4 directories in my Design folder :
- admin
- base
- mysite - standard I found that EzPublish read in order the standard folder, then the base one and the mysite one. Is taht right ?
If I create a pagelayout.tpl in mysite/templates, it is successfully found and read. If I understand well, to successfully found and read it, EzPublish has firstly read the settings and found that the design is the "mysite" one. So, now I want to know why there is a override/templates folder ? If i create a pagelayout.tpl in this folder, which one will be read first ? The mysite/template one or the mysite/override/template one ? Then if I have a second template "secondtemplate.tpl" in the mysite/template folder which is called by the mysite/template/pagelayout.tpl template. Will it work ? Or will I put it in the override/template folder ? Thanks ! Thanks !