Forums / Setup & design / Documentation class - am I using it correctly?

Documentation class - am I using it correctly?

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cousin mosquito

Wednesday 27 January 2010 2:47:42 pm

I started using the documentation class because it seemed to allow infinite levels of menu nesting - (the article classes would only go so deep).

I inputted many many pages of content into a particular folder. I thought all was well.

Later, I went to another folder, and started to upload more content, using the documentation class.

Low and behold, the new content, while appearing to be in the correct folder location, has inherited all the left-hand nav from the earlier upload content in completely different locations!

Is that a feature of the documentation class?
Am I misusing it?
Is there a way around it?

I want at least 4, maybe 5 levels of menu nesting. What is the best approach?

Asking the dumb questions for your benefit