Forums / Setup & design / Docs on User Module?

Docs on User Module?

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Willie Seabrook

Thursday 14 August 2003 8:01:06 pm


I'm still looking for information on how to modify/use the user module. I can't find any docs!

I have searched the docs, searched the forums (you can't actually search for "user" in the forum search - you get an error returned), downloaded and created the doxygen docs and read the complete ezpublish 3 wiki and I can't find anything on using the user module. I have also asked previously but with no answer.

I need to have a user register on my site, intercept that with a workflow somehow so I can run my own php code, add the new user to a couple of roles/groups and then at the other end, restrict access to sections based upon roles/groups.

Any pointers on where to start? Are there *any* docs at all (have I been a dummy and missed them)?. Is there any information available? I've got my site built but can't register or restrict access like I want to so I'm stuck!!!

Kind Regards,

Jerry Jalava

Friday 15 August 2003 4:03:13 pm

Hi Willie,

I'm having the same prob... The only way I founded how to learn it was from the ezuser's source code... It takes a while, but after understanding the sources you will understand the way it works... But like you (I think) I would like to make it more custom (Name and logins aint enough) without customising the ezuser itself... (The updates wouldnt really like it...)

So please, someone help us out and tell is there anyway to improve the user class so it could take more attributes inside etc...


Dave Dykshoorn

Wednesday 27 August 2003 11:40:34 am

You may already have this question answered but here it goes anyways.

As far as I can tell you want to add some more properties to the User accounts. You can add new properties to the user accounts in the Admin interface->Setup->Users->User.

I went as far as adding my own datatype as I wanted a list based Datatype (200+ entries in a seperate DB Table). I have created php scripts in a seperate module that access the current user and read the data from this new property. I am using this as the basis for securing my module as roles the way eZp defines them are not exactly what I need.

All current user attributes are available in eZUser::currentUser(); whereever you are in your module so grabbing aspects of the data_map shouldn't be a problem for your specific needs.

I'm not sure if that helps any but I just wanted to affirm that it is very doable with a little monkeying around.


Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 27 August 2003 2:48:35 pm

Earlier today i replied to a message on this thread:

I've been using ezusers for a few weeks now through php code and templates. Maybe we need to document examples of usage.

Tomorrow Ill look into the current documentation and see where i can add such information.
