Forums / Setup & design / Do I need these js files in my template?

Do I need these js files in my template?

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cousin mosquito

Thursday 25 August 2011 5:44:13 pm

I am trying to limit the number of http requests on each of my pages.

My pages are based on the Ezwebin templates of the initial Ezpublish installation.

Can anyone tell me what these files do and whether I need them in my templates, or at least point me to some documentation which describes what these files do ?


The requirements for my pages are as follows:
1. Load my page in normal circumstances.
2. Load my page in "front-end" editing mode for my users so that they can update content.

I know where the files can be found, I just need to know whether I need them. I am not (knowingly using any calender function).

Thanks in advance.

Asking the dumb questions for your benefit

Sandra Parente

Thursday 25 August 2011 11:23:56 pm

These .js are used by the toolbar, if you don't need to use I think it you can avoid loading them.

Sandra Parente